membership application


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Company details

Company details

*Company Name: *Headquarter o Branch: *Main office address: *Country: Postal Code: *City: State: *Key Contact: *Position: *Telephone: Country Area Code Phone number: Fax: Country Area Code Phone number: Mobil: Country Area Code Phone number: *Email: Website: Aditional Locations: *Year Business was started: *Number of Employees:

Kind of services

*What kind of services your company offers:

Airfreight: Project Cargo: Ocean freight: Oversized Cargo: FCL Service: Hazardous Goods: Customs Import Clearance: Warehousing: Customs Export Clearance: Cargo Insurance available :



Customs Broker CHB License NVOCC Bond Number (if U.S.) FMC (U.S. only) FMC License Number ISO Certifies FIATA FIATA Certificate IATA_CNS Certification If China, MOC# Other Membership Certification's



Customs Brokerage % of volume Import Ocean Forwarder % Export Ocean Forwarder % Import Ocean NVOCC % Export Ocean NVOCC % Import Air Forwarder % Export Air Forwarder % *In wich market:


Company Ownership

*Name: *Percent Owned: Capitalization: Specify Currency: Shares outstandig: Price: Currency: Affiliations: Please list any:
*Freight forwarders references. You must submit both:

1. *Company Name: *Country: Type of Business: Contact: Phone: Country Area Code Phone number: Fax: Country Area Code Phone number: Email: 2. *Company Name: *Country: Type of Business: Contact: Phone: Country Area Code Phone number: Fax: Country Area Code Phone number: Email:
For the purposes of compiling for publication the combined total turnover of the group, please inform us of your annual revenues from freight forwarding activities (optional):

Airfreight:US$ Ocean Freight:US$ Domestic Hauling:US$ Warehousing:US$ *How did you know about WFO: Please enter additional information e.g. recommend agent name / Invitation date Why does your company wish to join World Freight Organisation? *Name of Applicant: *Solve this summation: 42 + 5 =
